Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)

Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)

giovanna92 - 2010-04-07 20:03
Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
  bardzo proszę wizażanki o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :prosi:
Zadanie brzmi tak:
W angielskiej gazecie znalazłaś ofertę ciekawej pracy . napisz podanie , w którym:
1. jaką pracą jesteś zainteresowana i jak sie o niej dowiedziałaś
2. dlaczego byłabyś dobrą kandydatką. wymień jedno swoje osiągnięcie
3.Wspomnij o swoim doświadczeniu zawodowym i określ swój poziom znajomości j.angielskiego :D
4.dwa powody dla których chcesz pracować w Anglii

A to moje wypociny :

Application for the post of baby-sitter

April 1 2010

Ms.Anna Brown
London 11111111
PO Box 123

Dear Madam Brown ,
I am writing to apply for a post of baby - sitter. I learned about the work of the newspapers a " New day"
I should be grateful if you would consider my application for this position
I am suitable person to this jab become I am willinqness to work hard.

As for as my experirnce is cocerned the holidays by two months went working as a nanny a small child.
This job provided an opportunity for me to gain practical experience. Former employer was satisfied with my work.
From the copy of the Diploma which I enclose you will see that I have good qualifications in this job.
I am maturity. I know how to quickly make contact with children.
I have ability to work overtime .

I learn English eight years . My English language skills in communicative.
I want to start work in England because earnings higher than those offered in my country .
I want to possibility to improve language skills and qualifications, which will increase my chances of finding a suitable job after returning to my country.

I would be glod to altend interview at your earliest convenience I enclose mu CV.

Yours sincerety,

---------- Dopisano o 20:28 ---------- Poprzedni post napisano o 19:51 ----------

Bardzo proszę :)

---------- Dopisano o 21:03 ---------- Poprzedni post napisano o 20:28 ----------

Up ;)

iminka - 2010-04-07 20:12
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
  Dear Madame Brown,
I am writing to apply for a post of baby-sitter. I got to know about the job from the newspaper "New day" and I will be grateful if you consider my application for this position.
I am suitable for this job because I am willing to work very hard.
I have an experience in taking care of children because I have looked after a toddler for two months and the employer was satisfied with my work. This job provided an opportunity for me to improve my practical experience.
According to the copy of the Diploma which I enclose you, I have good qualifications in this job. Moreover, I am mature and I know how to quickly make contact with children and I can work overtime .
I have learnt English for eight years. I am on intermediate level now and I am very communicative.
I would like to start work in England because the salary is better than in my country and
I want to improve my language skills and also qualifications, which increase my chances of getting better and well-paid job after returnig to my country.
I would be glad to attend an interview at your earliest convenience. I enclose my CV.

Yours sincerely,

( tak trochę pzowoliłam sobie poprawić :P )

madvisage - 2010-04-07 20:18
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
  Niestety nie mam czasu na poprawę treści, poprawiam tylko błędy.

Anna Brown
London 11111111
PO Box 123

Dear Ms Brown ,
I am writing to apply for a post of a baby - sitter. I have found your job offer in the newspaper " New day" from 6 April 2010.
I would be grateful if you would consider my application for this position.
I consider myself a suitable person for this job because I am willing to work hard.

As for as my experirnce is concerned, during the holidays I worked as a baby-sitter of a small child for two months.
This occupation provided me an opportunity to gain practical experience. Former employer was satisfied with my work.
From the copy of the Diploma which I enclose you will see that I have good qualifications in this job.
I am mature. I know how to quickly make contact with children.
I am prepared to work overtime .

I have been learning English for eight years . My English language skills are communicative.
I want to start working in England because the earnings are higher than those offered in my country .
I want to improve languagemy skills and qualifications, which will increase my chances of finding a suitable job after returning to my country.

Please find enclosed my CV. I would be glad to attend an interview at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

giovanna92 - 2010-04-07 20:42
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
  iminka :cmok:
madvisage :cmok:

Bardzo wam kobietki dziękuję :roza::roza::roza::roza:: roza::roza::roza:

Aaś - 2010-04-07 22:16
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
  Ciesz się że żaden mod tego nie zobaczył...
Na wizażu nie odrabia się pracy domowej :czytaj:

eyo - 2010-04-08 10:33
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
Napisane przez Aaś (Wiadomość 18428763) Ciesz się że żaden mod tego nie zobaczył...
Na wizażu nie odrabia się pracy domowej :czytaj:
ale sprawdzić błędy już zrobionej pracy chyba można

jakby nie było to jednak sama napisała a tylko poprosiła o sprawdzenie

whoaboa - 2010-04-08 11:42
Dot.: Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego :)
Napisane przez madvisage (Wiadomość 18424931) Niestety nie mam czasu na poprawę treści, poprawiam tylko błędy.
I have found your job offer in the newspaper " New day" from 6 April 2010.
Twoja wersja tego zdania również jest niepoprawna.
Napisane przez giovanna92 (Wiadomość 18421627)
As for as my experirnce is cocerned the holidays by two months went working as a nanny a small child.
Raczej as far as. Pomijam literówki w tym zdaniu.

Resztę przeleciałam wzrokiem, ale na chwilę obecną nie mam czasu poprawić/wytknąć reszty ewentualnych błędów.